Nursery Unit

The Nursery is an integral part of Knocknagoney Primary School and we have strong links with the foundation stage. The Nursery operates a full day session starting at 8:45am and ending at 1:15pm. There are 26 places available.
The Nursery aims to create a secure, stimulating environment in which children can learn together and progress with confidence. Children are valued as individuals and are given equal opportunities to grow emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically. Adults support the children during play to encourage them to be independent and curious learners; developing a positive and problem solving attitude to learning. A warm welcome is extended to parents as partners in their child’s education and their involvement and co-operation is encouraged.
To ensure children make appropriate progress in learning and achieve their full potential we adhere to the Pre-School Curriculum as set by the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.
The Nursery Curriculum is carefully planned to develop learning associated with:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Movement
- Language Development
- Early Mathematical Experiences
- The Arts
- The World Around Us
The modern, well equipped Nursery has been extended to include an indoor safety-surfaced area, used for large equipment and vigorous play on a daily basis. In addition we have an enclosed outdoor area where children benefit from the wide range of play equipment and can enhance their physical development, explore their environment and develop their imagination.
We were delighted with our most recent inspection report when ETI graded us as an ‘Outstanding’ Nursery.
"The nursery unit provides excellent opportunities for learning in all areas of the pre-school curriculum." (ETI, 14/12/20)