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Knocknagoney Primary School and Nursery Unit, Knocknagoney Road, Belfast

Latest News

2018/2019 School Year

31st May 2019
We have been learning about materials that dissolve in water. We worked collaboratively...
31st May 2019
We have been learning about the Human Body and exploring the components of blood....
31st May 2019
Our class have been learning about what's in our blood and what job the heart does...
24th May 2019
Many congratulations to the group of parents who recently completed the Incredible...
24th May 2019
We recently visited the farm as part of our farm topic. We enjoyed feeding the baby...
24th May 2019
Children in Mrs McCullough's class will be attending a celebration event in Holywood...
22nd May 2019
The P4s along with Mr Lister, Miss Lee & Miss Magee visited Blanchflower to...
14th May 2019
Both P4 classes had a fantastic day visiting the farm! They got to do lots of different...
14th May 2019
P3PG has a fantastic afternoon going on a minibeast hunt. P3 have been learning...
14th May 2019
Both of our P1 classes had a fantastic day when the ambulance service visited to...