Mrs Shield's Class
Welcome to Primary 4!
Our teachers are Mrs Shields (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Miss Bush (Wed).
Our Classroom Assistant is Mrs Sanders.
We are looking forward to learning lots of new things over the course of the year. Keep an eye on our page to see what we get up to.
Curriculum Information
Spelling - P4 follow Jolly Grammar scheme of work, this develops the structure of the language and includes parts of speech, spelling and punctuation.
Writing- We encourage our pupils to be independent and confident writers. The children will explore various genres such as; recount, instructional, narrative and persuasive writing throughout the academic year.
Handwriting – In P4 we focus on letter structure/formation and presentation of work. We encourage our pupils to take pride in their work.
Reading – children are required to read their reading book in class and at home each night. Pupils will complete a star reading test in Sep, Jan and May which will generate a reading age and propose a level/s of books to choose from the Accelerate Reading Scheme.
In P4 pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of addition/ subtraction to 10, 20, 50 and 100. Introduction to multiplication/ division of 2,3,4,5 and 10s.
Pupils are encouraged to learn number facts each night to secure their learning in class. These are tested every week for consolidation.
Mathletics and TTRS are available for home use to help with facts and fluency.
World Around Us: |
Our World Around Us topics this year will be:
PE |
Our PE days are: Monday and Friday Pupils can come to school in regulation school tracksuit or P.E. kits (plain white t-shirt, black shorts, trainers or black plimsolls) on these days (above). Pupils may also wear their regulation tracksuit on days where they have an after-school club. |
In P4 we use: |
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

P4 Information
Start & Finish Times:
Drop off/ Pick up point | Start Time | Finish Time |
8.45am |
8.55am |
Monday- Thursday (3.00pm) |
P4 playground, enter via Eco Garden gate |
Friday - 2.10pm